A Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Bike Trainers

Bike trainers have evolved over the years… Ask any long-time rider to recall their first indoor training experience and it probably sounds like a B-grade horror movie; you’d hop on your stationary torture machine and grind away in agony in an aptly-named “pain room.” On your indoor trainer, no one can hear you scream… But thanks...

What Is Indoor Cycling?

Indoor cycling is any type of indoor exercise that focuses on rotating pedals in circles. It can involve very different looking equipment including under-desk pedal systems, rolling cylinders, exercise bikes, or indoor bike trainers. To get an overview of indoor cycling, let’s take a look at the most popular forms of equipment! For each...

How to Build the Ultimate Indoor Cycling Setup

It’s time to remove all distractions.  It’s time to upgrade everything. It’s time to build the ultimate pain cave. Making the ultimate indoor cycling pain cave is a three-step process. Upgrade your cycling gear Upgrade your entertainment Upgrade your ambiance The Ultimate Cycling Gear The Core Gear Start by getting the right trainer, the...

Benefits of High Cadence Training

High cadence can be a very subjective matter. While one may say that pedaling at 80 rpm is an extremely high cadence, a track sprinter may say that 240 rpm is a high cadence. Whatever your view of “high cadence” may be; the importance of incorporating high cadence drills into your training repertoire does...

By The Numbers: Return to Unbound 2022

The 2022 Unbound 200 was another incredible episode of America’s premier long-distance gravel event that came down to a 4-up sprint finish in the men’s race, while the women’s winner soloed most of the final 100 miles to earn victory. The 2021 event was held on the North course with strong winds and high...

How To Use Positive Self-Talk To Boost Performance

We have all been there before, one minute you feel invincible, and the next you’re ready to throw in the towel. When things are going well, it is easy to do the “right” things. What about when the going gets tough? Are you able to separate how you “feel” from how you talk to...

By the Numbers: What is Vo2 Max?

VO2 Max has been a lab measurement discussed for decades in regards to the world’s top-performing athletes. It is synonymous in endurance sports to relate one’s athletic potential to their VO2 Max measurement. Is this metric the end all be all? If you don’t possess the aerobic capacity of Olympic cross country skiers are...

Ask the Experts: Indoor Cycling Power vs. Outdoor Power

Why is there a difference between the power you can put into the pedals outdoors than the power indoors? The difference between indoor cycling power and outdoor power tends to be more pronounced with shorter, higher-intensity efforts, especially when you’re out of the saddle. The reason why comes down to a few different factors....

Power Tests: What, When and Why Do Them?

Fitness testing is an essential part of improving as a cyclist as it allows you to quantify where you are, set training zones for your workouts (either through heart rate or power), and track your progress over time. If you are new to riding with power, where do you begin?  Power testing to determine...

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